Organizing and COVID-19 Part Two from Death Panel podcast
"In Part 2 of this two-part series, we speak to a few people engaged in organizing and political education projects about their experiences trying to incorporate covid protections into their existing organizing work, wins and losses they've encountered, and why it's so important for the left to take covid seriously, even as the public health emergency comes to a close."
We (Still) Need a Left COVID Politics that Doesn’t Abandon People to Get Sick
"The left stands only to gain by representing a clear, systematic alternative to the deadly pandemic denialism to which both liberalism and the far right continue to be committed."
"The fascistic core of health supremacism is the idea that those who are healthy are somehow ‘better’ people, and that society may and must protect their interests and flourishing (rather than [that of] members of society at large)"
"Do you shrug when someone is not able to access the meeting you organised due to a health condition? ... Do you go barefaced even when people around you mask up? Stop doing those things."
Don’t look away from the implicit eugenics of “living with COVID”
'“Collective responsibility” poses an ideological threat to the Late Capitalist order; it had to be seen as a drastic temporary measure....being a leftist means to carve out values and principles of intersectional solidarity against social injustices—against the common current....Organized action on the Left is both a moral imperative and our only hope.'
Advanced Covid FAQ
from the Jewish Covid Resilience Network
"Envisioning an equitable, sustainable, hopeful future for our communities, based in Jewish values."
As Queer Spaces Return to “Normal,” Disabled LGBTQ+ People Are Being Left Behind
“If we're not thinking about the idea of collective liberation in all of our activism, then what are we doing?” says Wilder. “I want to live in a world where I care about you and you care about me and that we do things to make sure we can have the healthiest and happiest existence while we're here.”