[outdoors, one-way masking and talking with my 80-something year old great-aunt]
Her: That’s a really fancy mask you have
Me: Yeah, it seals really well around my face, so it does a better job filtering the air I breathe in and out
Her: But it must be a pain to wear it all the time.
Me: Not for me! It keeps me safe, and it’s not that much of an inconvenience. (1/x)
Her: I couldn’t wear it all the time.
Me: I know some people who only mask when they go to the airport, or the doctor’s office, concerts, or other crowded spaces
Her: Or on the train!
Me: Exactly. It’s better to mask all the time, but some protection beats no protection. Each time you get COVID, it increases your risk of a heart attack or stroke
Her: Last time I had COVID, I got a blood clot! The doctor said there’s a high correlation between COVID and clots
Me: Yet another reason I mask! (2/x)
I gave her a HEPA filter I got a rebate for (end price: $15) and showed her how to order an elastomeric online since she seemed interested.
I’m done with all or nothing thinking when it comes to encouraging COVID precautions. Every time my aunt wears a mask is one less time she risks death! Sometimes habits need to start small and then they can grow from there.