A FEMINIST SURVIVAL THRILLER captures the tough existence of off-the-grid life in the Arizona desert, and the ways people of integrity stand up against brutality. Grim and cathartic. SOLID B
A FEMINIST SURVIVAL THRILLER captures the tough existence of off-the-grid life in the Arizona desert, and the ways people of integrity stand up against brutality. Grim and cathartic. SOLID B
DEVASTATINGLY BLEAK, POETIC work of profound horror is a brutal, beautifully crafted exploration of the depths of the human heart. Not for everyone, but for those willing to look into the abysses of our nature, it’s powerful as hell. A MINUS
Hi All I moved my profile over to spore, so I'll #Introduce myself
I'm Auriel (she/her) and my day job is running Forbes Biological Station, a #FieldStation in Illinois focused on research around #wetlands and wetland #birds. My specialty is #rails
I do a lot of #DecisionScience as well, and lead the #NOAAFirebird project.
I have opinions about unpaid labor.
I love #gardening and #canning and #preserving #food, #hiking, #reading #scifi, #fantasy, #thrillers, adventure, memoirs and more.