Does anyone remember the name of that #RubyOnRails conference that was on a train?
I’m thinking it may be fun to do something similar but would need to understand the costs better, and can’t remember who organized it
Does anyone remember the name of that #RubyOnRails conference that was on a train?
I’m thinking it may be fun to do something similar but would need to understand the costs better, and can’t remember who organized it
We're excited to annonce that the next 4 meetups will be supported by Ruby Central, in collaboration with Fastly!
Ruby Central has been a key player in the Ruby & Rails communities since 2001, organizing RubyConf & RailsConf and maintaining essential tools like RubyGems & Bundler.
They’re also funding local meetups like ours through a new grant program! Huge thanks to Ruby Central & Fastly for their support!
Learn more at
Want to use #encrypted #credentials in a non #Rails project without having to pull ActiveSomething dependencies? Take a look at the new "dry-credentials" for #Ruby. It's not part of the dry organisation but related in spirit.
Hi All I moved my profile over to spore, so I'll #Introduce myself
I'm Auriel (she/her) and my day job is running Forbes Biological Station, a #FieldStation in Illinois focused on research around #wetlands and wetland #birds. My specialty is #rails
I do a lot of #DecisionScience as well, and lead the #NOAAFirebird project.
I have opinions about unpaid labor.
I love #gardening and #canning and #preserving #food, #hiking, #reading #scifi, #fantasy, #thrillers, adventure, memoirs and more.
Hi, I'm Mike! My pronouns are he/him/his.
I'm a #software engineer who slings (#ruby, #rails, #javascript, etc.) code around for #libraries, largely within #academia. I currently work for Stanford University. I like to design and build systems that boost and perpetuate #openaccess to cultural heritage and research data.
I'm parent to two kiddos and I have a 10-week-old puppers, and I somehow manage to play #DnD every ~week too. Mostly post work stuff but also absurd drivel. Hi.
#introduction Welcome to the fediverse, folks!
I’m a professional software dev and hobbyist programming nerd. I like finding ways to accomplish more with less effort.
Paradoxically, this means I focus on both using high-abstraction frameworks (#react, #reactnative, #expo, #rails) and old development methods (#tdd, #refactoring, #evolutionarydesign). I post/write/livestream/speak/teach about all this stuff.
I live outside Atlanta, GA and work at @testdouble
I'm Rasmus from Denmark.
I make a living as a web developer. I do pretty much everything from server admin work to frontend development, and my preferred stack is #ruby, #rails, and #hotwire.
As my username hints at, programming is an interest of mine, and it's not just limited to #ruby, I find #rust and #elm fascinating as well.
I like #cycling, #coffee, baking #sourdough bread and #wine. I'm a road cyclist myself, but anything with pedals is awesome! The only thing I am adamant about is that the cycling cap should always be peak up
I relax by watching videos from the waaay too many Youtube subscriptions, I have. The list includes makers, gamers, cyclists, science communicators, and pretty much anything John and Hank Green are a part of.
#VlogBrothers and #SciShow was some of the first I subscribed to on Youtube, and I've watched (participated?) in the last handful of #project4awesome, I guess it makes me somewhat part of #nerdfighteria (#dftba!).