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Last fall I left the fallen leaves on my yard, following advice from the #gardening 🌱 people here, because beneficial insects lay their eggs under leaves. Right now, there are about two dozen extremely round robins flipping over leaves and eating whatever’s underneath. Guess it worked.

Planted extra #snowdrop bulbs in the green at the weekend. Did not take long at all—just as well, there was an icy wind, which made being outside unpleasant—and gave me a chance to use my new #Hori Hori knife for the first time.
Despite its name, it is not a knife but a #Japanese #trowel. Manufacturer suggests to use it as an all-round weeder, bulb-planter and general subterranean rummager.
They also call the Hori Hori a weed digging, plant dividing, seed drilling, bulb planting, pot scraping, stone prising, ivy removing, subterranean rummaging, life saving, rooting tooting all round game-changer.
Hm … After using it once I think that they may have a point.
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#HoriHori #artistsgarden #ImperfectGarden #garden #gardener #gardening #Artist #wolfkettler #Photography #GardenWiltshire #WiltshireGarden #Wiltshire #natural #NaturalGarden #ecology #climate #ClimateChange #conservation #sustainability @gardening

#Garten #gardening

Ist sie nicht niedlich?

Den Samen dafür habe ich bei ebay gekauft, angeblich für eine rotblühende Baumfuchsie (Fuchsia arborescens). Nach der Blattform und dem Wuchsverhalten scheint es aber eher eine neuseeländische Wildfuchsie (Fuchsia procumbens) zu sein. Die Blüte wird es zeigen . . .
Trotz Temperaturen zwischen 3° und 10 °C an ihrem Standort treibt sie munter aus.

If you struggle with precise placement of seeds while doing your seed starting, try this: get a popsicle stick, dip one end in water, and press it down on a seed - the seed should stick. Then, press onto your starting medium - the seed should remain there. Leave it as-is if the seed requires light to germinate, or lightly cover with more medium. Re-wet the stick as needed. This works well for tomatoes and peppers; YMMV for small/tiny seeds. #gardening

This week’s Gardeners of the Galaxy Mission Report looks into at what’s been happening on the ISS, China’s deep sea “space” station and more fossils that have been to space!

My free weekly newsletter covers topics related to growing plants in space. You can read online or subscribe to have it delivered directly to your inbox.

#SpacePlants #astrobotany #gardening #botany #ethnobotany

Gardeners of the Galaxy Mission Report · Gardeners of the Galaxy Mission Report: 18 February 2025By Emma Doughty

My on-staff handyman fenced me off a good chunk of the front yard for my vegetable garden (to discourage deer). Step two? Greenhouse. I've tried to start seeds in the house before and between not having that much free flat space, and the cats being… shall we say… too inquisitive…? So a teeny tiny greenhouse for seedlings! I waffled for months on which one to buy and finally decided on a kit. Cheaper than an already-put-together one, and I didn't have to get it delivered. #gardening #greenhouse