@dsacer Hmmm... "If totals included shale fracking, the U.S. would top the list." So why didn't they include #fracking?? #keepitintheground #fossilfree #Willow
@dsacer Hmmm... "If totals included shale fracking, the U.S. would top the list." So why didn't they include #fracking?? #keepitintheground #fossilfree #Willow
@breadandcircuses Sometimes I'm embarrassed to be Canadian... Our mining/extraction companies are a plague! #keepitintheground #fossilfree
@PeterRu If "corporations are people" then they should accept personal responsibility for any harm/damage/waste they cause! #CorporateResponsibility #oilspills #ecocide #Penguins #fossilfree
@climatenews@climatejustice.rocks Even if people don't care about #climatechange, they should care about the immediate adverse human health effects of burning #fossilgas. Another issue, especially in cities with aging infrastructure, is gas explosions. Why encourage something so dangerous when safer alternatives are available?
BTW I prefer the term *fossil gas* rather than the deliberate euphemism of "natural" gas. I'd love if you & other outlets made this editorial switch.
#fossilfree #keepitintheground #nonewgas
@CelloMomOnCars And here's the link to their petition (which I signed even though I'm in Canada, because carbon emissions have global impact). I don't know how much impact petitions have, but they can't hurt, right? #fossilfree #ClimateCrisis #BanGasGuzzlers #deCARbonizeNOW
@RoyBrander @MeanwhileinCanada
That graphic is STUNNING, thank you! #fossilfree #keepitinground
No more fossil gas projects in Canada! Please sign this petition with me. #fossilgas #fossilfree #keepitintheground #canada #climatecrisis