"Right? It's like the plot twist nobody asked for! If only common sense had a vaccine too! Let's hope the sequel doesn't involve more anti-vax villains. #Dystopia #PublicHealth"
We had corporate towns in history. Why can't we learn this lesson? So dyptopian.
Tech Execs Are Pushing Trump to Build ‘Freedom Cities’ Run by Corporations
Book Promotion: Ever-changing year-long promotion for the very best in SF/F with free stories to download. Even if you looked once - look again because the books will be changing. #witches #fedibookfair #spaceship #amreading #ladies #military #elves #aliens #knaves #knights #heroes #dwarfs #fae #reading #writing #magic #monsters #goodbooks #sorcery #dystopia #wizards #legendary #rogue #time #dragons #futurism #planets #bookstodon #dwarves #space #readers #reader (6809) https://books.bookfunnel.com/ongoingscififantasy/1i7g7jzy67?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
I've finished: Scythe by Neal Shusterman
It was recommended as part of a Story Graph reading challenge under the prompt:
" 20. Dystopian Deconstruction (1 added)
Critiques the overused conventions of YA dystopias".
I found it to be a very conventional YA dystopia novel.
I see these prompts a a learning opportunity. If you've read Scythe and can enlighten me as to why it would be considered a diconstruction of YA dystopian conventions, I'd love to hear it. If you agree that it is not a diconstructi9on, can you recommend another novel for this prompt?
Mind you, in this reading challenge Anti YA is an adjacent prompt.
" 19. Anti-YA (2 added)
Challenges traditional YA tropes like the chosen one or insta-love."
I think this discussion will contain spoilers. So it will be continued in the next message with a content warning.
@bookstodon #subgenres #ScienceFiciton #dystopia #YA #StoryGraph #bookstodon
So I was at a #literature lecture where one of the topics was Flash #Fiction, and we talked about #Twitterature, #twosentencehorror stories, #Drabbles etc.
One of the tasks we were given, was to create a new genre of flash fiction, and my mind went to #Mastodon and the #Fediverse, and the skeptisism towards Big Tech etc many people here share.
So my idea was a genre for tech dystopia, with a 500 char limit. But what to call it?!
"Klinische Tests ohne Genehmigung, autonome Autos ohne Auflagen, Kernreaktoren und Nuklearenergie ohne staatliche Überwachung und eine Sonderwirtschaftszone, in der es kaum Steuern zu zahlen gibt und auch die Rechte von Arbeitskräften außer Kraft gesetzt werden. So stellen sich zahlreiche Chefs der Big-Tech-Unternehmen und US-Investoren die Zukunft vor."
#dystopia #billionaires #MAGA #TrumpsAmerica
Killing Joke - I Am The Virus
Death misery and tears
Calculated waves of fear
Drawn up by think tanks
There’s a darkness in the west
Oil swilling
Guzzling corporates
Central banking
Mind-fucking omnipotence
I'm delighted to say that it's back! My month-long "Meet #TheLastMan" module with SPACE (Signum Portals for Adult Continuing Education) #online via #SignumUniversity is currently a candidate for June 2025. Voting runs through May 1. Early voters will help decide the scheduling of the live discussion sessions.
This #MaryShelley novel is one of the most relevant books we can read right now.
More info: https://blackberry.signumuniversity.org/space/modules/iteration/2011/
Book Promotion: How do you like your fantasy? Well we've got two kinds: Epic and Portal. Check them out to discover your next favourite author. #military #fedibookfair #monsters #amreading #planets #heroes #legendary #futurism #knights #aliens #readers #elves #sorcery #dwarves #goodbooks #space #wizards #dwarfs #knaves #bookstodon #fae #time #dystopia #dragons #ladies #rogue #spaceship #writing #magic #reading #reader #witches (0726) https://books.bookfunnel.com/epicportalnewsmarch/ne15ku5z72?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
"...Orte geschaffen werden, an denen Vorhaben wie die Inbetriebname von Kernreaktoren oder klinische Tests ohne vorherige Genehmigung durch Behörden durchgeführt werden können."
Periodic reminder that #Orwell and #Huxley were naively optimistic. The world the global #overwealthy have planned for us is much worse.
The former dystopia had housing, food, clothes, medical care, and so forth. No the #libertarian #dystopia is from the movie #SoylentGreen
Donald Trump or Don Corleone? Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference:
Una tavola a #fumetti di
Fiona Katauskas sul #Guardian
#Trump #autocrazia #Usa #TheGodfather #IlPadrino #distopie #cartoon #dystopia
Gli appassionati del genere distopico possono vedere anche quest'altra tavola di #FionaKatauskas:
Do you wake up wondering what Trump will do next? Trump Presidency Advent Calendar
I'm delighted to say that it's back! My month-long "Meet #TheLastMan" module with SPACE (Signum Portals for Adult Continuing Education) #online via #SignumUniversity is currently a candidate for June 2025. Voting runs through May 1. Early voters will help decide the scheduling of the live discussion sessions.
This #MaryShelley novel is one of the most relevant books we can read right now.
More info: https://blackberry.signumuniversity.org/space/modules/iteration/2011/
#Newspeak IS our #UbiquitousLanguage for #DDD of Society in 2025. Almost!
Next time when #Orwell and #Huxley come up in #discourse remember:
We live in #dystopia NOW!
Unseen by our #DistractionEconomy blindfolds.
We're the frogs for years, taking a nice warm bath to unsee #RootCause of #ClimateChange temperature rise:
Vice has free reign as #truth is destroyed.
We MUST be #Plainspeaking
We MUST use #CommonSense
We MUST restore #Reality
i'm so sad for humanity, we had a chance at Star Trek and we chose Aliens
(inhumane corporate authoritarianism, amoral AI, hoo-rah nihilistic militarism, expendable laborers and families, and no room for human creativity or literacy or compassion or innovation)
just cruelty in all directions
Related, learned this from the same article:
#Amazon named its gig work outsourcing business after a fraudulent machine at the centre of a decades-long 18th-century hoax.
And also, "mechanical turk worker." Not making this up. Truth is stranger.
#AI #dystopia #absurdism #writingprompt
I talk with author Jill Stukenberg about her novel News of the Air: https://dragonfly.eco/indie-corner-jill-stukenberg/. This is an atmospheric novel taking place in the near future in the north woods of Wisconsin. #ecofiction #dystopia