Some people reportedly experience Long COVID remission from a "remission biome protocol"
The waiting list:
Some people reportedly experience Long COVID remission from a "remission biome protocol"
The waiting list:
I feel like “covid dysphoria” might be a valuable term to coin. #covidCautious
I'd like to follow more people who share the latest Covid research. Does anyone have suggestions?
[outdoors, one-way masking and talking with my 80-something year old great-aunt]
Her: That’s a really fancy mask you have
Me: Yeah, it seals really well around my face, so it does a better job filtering the air I breathe in and out
Her: But it must be a pain to wear it all the time.
Me: Not for me! It keeps me safe, and it’s not that much of an inconvenience. (1/x)
Chicago-based Covid-conscious cuties roll call! Introduce yourself below
New COVID-conscious friends and dating app just dropped!
New COVID-conscious friends and dating app just dropped!
I explained to a friend how COVID lowers the number of virus-fighting T cells produced, and also lowers your immune system’s ability to fight latent viral infections. He was shocked and said “Maybe that’s why I had a random recurrence of [insert viral disease] this year! I hadn’t had an outbreak since childhood.”
This is why public health education is so important (1/2)
What precautions should everyone take? How will quarantine work for visitors? What should the COVID care packages we get each month include? How will we prepare for other types of viruses? How will we handle conflict around our COVID policies?
We want your creative ideas, your not-completely-worked out solutions!
I also educated her on wastewater data.
It’s hard to see healthcare professionals be so uninformed, but I’m glad she was at least open to learning more. Don’t be afraid to speak up!
#COVIDaware #COVIDconscious #COVIDcautious
#COVID19 #MaskUp #COVIDIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne
I am not a virologist or human health biologist but if you don't know any biologists to bounce stuff off of (or don't know any #CovidCautious biologists :/ )...
... I will do my best for you.
For example if you want me to tldr you a scientific-primary-literature article that wasn't written for people not deeply inside the system, I am available for this. As much as I can be.