Operation Atacama: How Italy foiled a $1m international cactus heist that led to a smuggler's downfall.
After thousands of rare Chilean cacti were found in the house of an Italian collector, a years-long trial slowly unravelled how they got there – and is setting a precedent for dealing with crimes of this kind.
Arrancan la rosa
en nombre del amor
dedican versos a la primavera
pero esconden las manos
cuando no les llega el sol,
poetas de estación
les llamo yo.
Del primer vacío
que regué con palabras
brotó un sentimiento
parecido a una flor,
silvestre como el dolor.
Con el tiempo descubrí
que escribiendo a la espina
en realidad estaba cuidando
al cactus que hay en mí.
Spiral galaxy 278O (the "o" is for ouchies) in the constellation Gemini.
Green Succulent Echeveria Imbricata. Square format, also available in purple.
ART - https://deborah-league.pixels.com/featured/green-succulent-echeveria-imbricata-deborah-league.html
For the second parasite for #InsertAnInvert2024 I’m sharing the source of carmine, a bright red pigment derived from carminic acid. It’s traditionally harvested from cochineal, a sessile parasite on Opuntia cacti in South America, north through to Mexico and the southwest US. They are laboriously collected by brushing them off the pads of prickly pear cacti. 1/n
The last week of 2023 is #invertefest so I’m sharing a recent print I made about carmine, a bright red pigment derived from carminic acid, traditionally harvested from cochineal, a sessile parasite on Opuntia cacti in South America, north through to Mexico & the southwest US. They are laboriously collected by brushing them off the pads of prickly pear cacti.
The #SciArtSeptember prompt is carmine, a bright red pigment derived from carminic acid, traditionally harvested from cochineal, a sessile parasite on Opuntia cacti in South America, north through to Mexico and the southwest US. They are laboriously collected by brushing them off the pads of prickly pear cacti. The insect makes carminic acid to deter predators but it’s precisely what attracts people,…
The elusive cactibou, a desert cat who owes something to cacti and caribou antlers, is the subject of this whimsical mini linocut print. Some believe the cactibou is imaginary, but who am I to say?
Unexpectedly, this strange and elusive desert cat has traded some genes with local cacti species. …
#imaginary #CompositeCreature #linocut #printmaking #desert #cactus #cat #caribou #antlers #myth #photosynthesis