I just feel like sharing these three articles today in no particular order, for no reason.

I just feel like sharing these three articles today in no particular order, for no reason.
[from Olympia, WA]: This morning 5 activists locked themselves together inside the rotunda of the Department of Natural Resources. They intend to remain until Commissioner Franz meets with them in person, and protest the DNR’s logging of legacy state forests.
Call Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz’s office (360) 902-1000 and say, “Commissioner Franz: be a climate leader and preserve our forest for future generations!”
Save the Northeast Metro Tech Forest in Wakefield MA
“This sanctuary forest is home to two endangered species, including a previously undocumented population of Eastern Whip-poor-will, a nocturnal bird whose habitat is being lost to development.”
unable to post a pic for some reason but: https://www.mass.gov/files/styles/1670x/public/2019-06/whip-poor-will-news.jpg?itok=yTAX-m9m