Chicago-based Covid-conscious cuties roll call! Introduce yourself below
Chicago-based Covid-conscious cuties roll call! Introduce yourself below
New COVID-conscious friends and dating app just dropped!
You’re the UV light of my life
You protect and shield me
Someday you’ll be my wife
Being with you has healed me
In an anti-mask world
You’re safe like my bed
My fully-vaxxed girl
PPE crowns your head
I see your community care
The way you protect us all
Your precautions always there
You’ve got me enthralled
With your frequent testing
And avoiding the crowds
My faith in you is resting
I don’t have any doubts
Frustrated with how much time, effort, and money staying #CovidSafe costs. And I know, it's small compared to having to deal with #LongCovid all day every day. But our public health institutions are failing in so many ways, which (today's frustration) also leads to necessary products not being available in the country.