Another therapist screwed up and caused another mental crisis for me. Second one this year. Same thing has happened many times
It goes like this: therapist thinks I'm voluntarily suppressing emotion. Anger, I guess? She then does CBT. "Challenge emotions with evidence" and all that crap.
That triggers a war in my mind and terror. Therapist only sees "anger" and thinks this is progress.
Skipping details, my severe reaction lasts for weeks.
I then do whatever I can to find stability. This time, I'm marathon watching Star Trek. Can't do much else.
If I didn't need meds, I would quit mental health care altogether.
I do see something in me I would like help with. But about every time I try for help, they underestimate the problem and demand I do things that are dangerous to me.
Talk to therapist to correct the approach? I've tried that. They all go right back to CBT.
I don't know what to do.