Leftists for precautions (a thread) #LeftistsForPrecautions
"Do you care about at least /looking/ as though you care about racial and disability and worker justice?"
"I find it ... dispiriting to see announcements of supposedly progressive meetings or events that show not a bit of concern about the continuing social murder. (“Social murder” is Friedrich Engels’ term for capitalism leading to the premature death of the exploited and oppressed.)"
Practicing Inclusion in the Time of COVID: A brief guide for gatherings and a call for disability solidarity
#LeftistsForPrecautions #CovidIsNotOver
Disability Justice Organizers Dream Big and Resist a Culture of Disposability (Movement Memos podcast & transcript with Kelly Hayes and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha in Truthout)
"we should be taking action to protect one another, by masking in public spaces, demanding higher ventilation standards, and ensuring universal access to health care."
The Revolution Will Not Be Ableist
We'll change the world together, or we won't change it at all
(Julia Doubleday at The Gauntlet)
"I build community with other COVID activists, writers, and everyone who dares to imagine a better, safer, kinder world with us."
Abled-Bodied Leftists Cannot Abandon Disabled Solidarity to “Move On” From COVID
"It’s been wild watching people who are ostensibly leftist say, 'We’re following the CDC guidelines,' and drop masking, rapid testing and other safety requirements. Two years or more of rioting in the streets and suddenly, we’re doing what the government says we should do? One minute, we were masking; the next minute, 'you do you.'"
Comrades, stop playing ‘normal’
by Maarten Steenhagen
#CovidIsNotOver #LeftistsForPrecautions
"eugenics requires mass support to succeed. Really, socialists shouldn’t be giving it that support! And yet, here we are…"
Calls for Change, guides for change
Open letter to all people coordinating, facilitating, and hosting events
Practicing Inclusion in the Time of COVID: A brief guide for gatherings and call for disability solidarity, created in partnership with What Would an HIV Doula Do?
Covid Protection Guidelines for Groups (template)
The Company You Keep (image source)