I can get as excited as the next person at cutting edge clean technologies. But I also love the simple solutions, the folk wisdom, the public domain knowledge that we can apply to live well and equitably within planetary limits. Here are a few of my favorites - what are yours?
- the bicycle
- the cover crop
- the compost pile
- the hand-me-down chain
- the mending circle
- the live music evening
- the repair cafe
- the library
- the shade tree
- the rain garden
- the sidewalk
- trees, trees, and trees
- durable sneakers
- old-fashioned phone calls
- tea with friends (silver tea is my favorite, or anything locally grown)
- public parks and public lands
- poetry readings / reading parties
- local art galleries
- food co-ops
- critical mass events
- for-fun skill-shares
@bethsawin and everyone, so many great lists! A few of my favorites: neighborhood sharing libraries (books, plant starts, and tools), citizen science projects, nature walks with plant/animal nerds and ID guidebooks, canning parties, music and poetry bonfires (only in the wet season!)
@bethsawin what is a rain garden?
@nagyv I'm not sure the term is used everywhere - I know it the northeast/midwest US..rain gardens help manage stormwater flooding by replacing impermeable surfaces with green spaces. Often features pollinator friendly plants. Often also contoured with swales to direct water runoff and may have small retention areas too.Usually not food producing. Can also help reduce the urban heat island effect.
- walking
- donkeys
- buggies
- yard chickens
- loose hay